Matic — The World’s First Robot Vacuum and Mop Reimagined to Defend Privacy of Your Home

Homes are our sanctuary. We put so much effort into making sure they are loving, nurturing, and peaceful. Home is where we build memories, express ourselves freely, and feel safest. Yet, today's most advanced technological products are designed with the privacy of this sacred environment as an afterthought. While advancements in technology and artificial intelligence are improving our daily lives inside homes, they are also invading our privacy. Imagine discovering that cherished moments of you and your family, meant to be personal, are captured by your own robot vacuum or smart home device, only to be leaked online. Imagine these intimate moments being broadcast to millions of people on the internet. Unfortunately, this nightmare became a reality for several people when images captured by Roomba test units — including an intrusive photo of a woman on the toilet — were shared on social media. These images, originally intended for AI training, exposed a harsh truth: your robot vacuum, like many other smart devices in your home, is not secure or private.

Most smart home devices — especially robot vacuums — treat our homes and privacy like an open book for companies and hackers to read at will. They upload everything to the cloud: from maps of your home, to your habits, to personal conversations, images, and videos. The list goes on. It’s no longer just about helping you, the customer, clean floors anymore; it’s about who owns the blueprint to your life and how it can be used for profit.

The unfortunate and ugly truth is that your data is valuable. Companies collect and store it, usually without your explicit consent or knowledge. They use it to train AI models, target advertising, or even sell to third parties. They take your privacy for granted, assuming consumers will accept their data practices without question. This is not just a minor oversight; it's fundamentally how many companies design their products.

Every day, big tech companies and startups alike prioritize profits and growth instead of your privacy, eroding consumers’ trust with this lackadaisical approach to privacy and security. 

Time For Change: Family Privacy Is a Fundamental, Non-negotiable Right

At Matic, we’re tired of this practice, and we are doing something about it. We are standing against this malpractice of taking our families’ data for granted by reengineering home robots with privacy as a core principle. 

The purpose of technology, especially smart devices such as robot vacuums, is to enhance our lives and empower us. Why should we have to choose between privacy and performance? We shouldn’t, and we mustn’t. We should demand both performance and privacy so that we can enjoy the latest technology with peace of mind.

Matic — Born from Parental Instinct, Built on Unshakable Principles

Matic was founded by two busy fathers who value productivity, time savings, and refuse to accept even the slightest risk to their families’ safety and privacy. We are challenging the status quo and reimagining the future of home robotics from the ground up, designing the world’s first private and secure robot vacuum and mop.

From the start, privacy wasn’t just a feature we tacked on — it was the beating heart of everything we did. We made the deliberate choice to run everything on-device, knowing that it would take years to do it right — a hard but necessary decision that not only protects families' data but also enhances the efficiency and performance of our robots. 

Matic is not just another outdated dumb robot vacuum that aimlessly bounces around your homes; it's reimagined to usher in a new era of intelligent, fully autonomous, elegant, and private home robots. And, you don’t have to break the bank to own one. It’s affordable while redefining the performance and privacy standards for products in our most personal spaces.

On-Device Processing For Performance and Privacy: Matic’s brain lives where it belongs — inside the robot, not on some distant server hungry for your data. All Matic’s intelligence is localized on the device, delivering a faster, much more responsive performance while ensuring all your audio and video remains on the robot, never leaving the four walls of your home. Without cloud latency, Matic reacts to your home’s cleaning challenges in real time, just like you would.

Fort Knox-level Security, Even When You’re Away: When you choose to enable remote access for your Matic, allowing you to control it when you’re away, your data remains end-to-end encrypted in a secure VPN-like tunnel and is locked down. The cloud servers routing this data do not have access to it, further safeguarding your privacy.

Why On-Device Processing is the Only Answer

Turns out the decision to keep all data processing on-device is also the key to unlocking superior product performance, cost efficiency, and an unmatched user experience. Matic’s commitment to privacy goes beyond mere marketing — it’s embedded in every technical choice we make and upheld by stringent company policies. We don’t even track cookies on our website! 

Most disc robot vacuums send data collected from your home, either through cameras or sensors like LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), to the cloud for processing to generate basic construction blueprint-like maps. This reliance on cloud processing increases latency and the risk of data breaches due to inadequate security engineering measures, jeopardizing your privacy.

Instead, we have engineered Matic using a fundamentally different approach. Matic sends data from five onboard RGB-IR cameras directly to a powerful on-robot local Nvidia compute unit. We process this data in real time using precise neural networks and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms to generate a live 3D Map. The raw camera data is immediately discarded and never stored, eliminating the risk of data breaches. Even the 3D map data lives locally on the robot and isn’t uploaded to the cloud. This allows the robot to map your home, update it dynamically as the environment inside your home changes, navigate it without bumping into obstacles, and optimize cleaning paths in real-time, without the need to send, store, or process any information to the cloud.

Matic’s vision-based systems offer a richer, more comprehensive understanding of your home environment. Like human eyes, its onboard cameras detect and interpret a wide range of visual information, enabling Matic to recognize different floor types, understand obstacles, and adapt its cleaning strategy in real-time. On-device processing also means that Matic makes split-second decisions without the delays associated with slow internet and sending data back and forth to the cloud for processing, resulting in a more autonomous, personalized, efficient, and private cleaning for you.

Matic comes with an accompanying app that shows you the 3D map Matic’s built and allows you to control when, where, and how Matic cleans. Even this communication between your app and the robot occurs directly on the local WiFi network without needing the internet. That means no nefarious party can tap into robot & app communication as it’s not even on the internet. If you are away from home, and you choose to enable remote access, Matic robot uses an end-to-end encryption tunnel to send data to your phone without ever storing it anywhere on the cloud servers, making it extremely secure. You also have the option to disable remote communication should you prefer. 

When you choose Matic, you’re not just buying a floor cleaner, you are making a statement: My home is my castle, protected and private, just as it should be.

Putting You in Control

Matic doesn't just protect your privacy—it empowers you to control it. From the moment you set up your Matic robot vacuum, you’re in the driver’s seat. You decide what data, if any, you want to share. We only request data that can genuinely help us improve the robot’s performance for you. You choose to opt-in to data collection for performance monitoring and improvement, and if you choose not to, we respect that. The choice is always yours.

If you decide to opt-in, here’s how it works:

Transparency and Consent: We make it clear what data is being collected and why. Whether it’s to monitor performance, recommend consumable replacements, or improve our products, you’re fully informed every step of the way. We NEVER sell any data. Ever.

Customizable Privacy Settings: Matic offers a range of privacy settings that allow you to tailor the device to your preferences. You can adjust your preferences anytime, effortlessly.

No Video or Audio Collection: Unlike other robot vacuums that constantly record video and audio, Matic does not collect any such data. From time to time, with your permission and explicit consent, we may ask to access video or audio command data for debugging and improvement purposes. Even then, it’s a temporary measure designed to resolve specific issues. Once the issues are resolved, all data is deleted afterward.

We want to make the best robot helper we possibly can to earn your trust and build a good business based on that mutually beneficial relationship.

Why Matic is the Only Choice for Privacy-Conscious Consumers

In a world where privacy is increasingly under threat, Matic stands out as the only robot vacuum that truly respects your personal space. We don’t just talk about privacy — we live it. 

Matic employs robust technical measures to protect user data. One of which is the use of Rust as its programming language (Why Rust? It’s the safe choice). Rust’s memory and thread-safety protections are essential for ensuring that the robot operates safely without the risk of common bugs found in other programming languages. This choice of language helps in avoiding runtime errors and vulnerabilities that could compromise user data. 

From our on-device processing to our encrypted remote access (which you can choose to disable), every aspect of Matic is designed with one goal in mind: to keep your data safe, secure, and private.

Reclaim Your Privacy, Today.

Join us in reimagining what it means to have a truly smart home — one that respects your boundaries as fiercely as it respects your floors. Don’t settle for a robot vacuum that compromises your trust. Together, we understand that privacy isn’t just a luxury, it’s our right, and it should never be taken for granted.

Read the hands-on product review by our beta user, Dan Dorato-Hankins.

Reserve your Matic for $100 today at

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1.What makes Matic different from other robot vacuums in terms of privacy?

  • Matic processes all data locally on the device, eliminating the need for cloud storage and ensuring that your data stays within your home.

  • Inside home, when your phone with the Matic app and the robot are on the same WiFi, they use a local WiFi connection to communicate. Your data never leaves the four walls of your home unless you remotely try to connect to the robot.

2.How does Matic handle remote access?

  • Matic offers an end-to-end encrypted cloud connection for you to connect to the robot remotely. This remote access connection is secure and does not compromise privacy. You also have option to disable the remote access from the app privacy settings

3.Does Matic collect any video or audio data?

  • No, Matic does not collect video or audio data. We will ask for your explicit permission and authorization if we need audio/video clips for debugging and support purposes. This process is always & firstly enabled by explicit action by the customers.

4.Can I control what data Matic collects?

  • Yes, you have complete control from the start. As a user,  you choose to opt-in to sharing your data to let us monitor performance, automatically replenish consumables, and improve products. If you choose not to share, we respect it as well.

5.Why does Matic use Rust for its programming?

  • Rust provides memory and thread safety, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and ensuring that your data is protected.
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